Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Are you ready for the next stage of Brexit?

 I have been asked by HMRC's EU Transition Unit for views on how ready importers and exporters are for the next staging post on the transition.

Their questions are below and I would greatly appreciate readers' input into the answers.  Do write comments below or email me (  It would be helpful, if you could provide details of the industry you are in and the approximate size (turnover or number of employees).  

If you email me, I will not pass on any identifying information to HMRC or retain that information (including email addresses) once I have summarised and anonymised your answers.  I will not, obviously, use your email address to contact you or pass it to anybody else.

Answers to the questions would be helpful both to the EUTU in formulating their approach to the remainder of the transition process, to the HMRC Administrative Burdens Advisory Board on which I sit and, in general, to trying to smooth out problems in  import/export processes.  So please take a few minutes to reply.




Are you are importing controlled goods or choosing not to use SCC able to make Import Declarations (you or through or using an agent)


Do you use SCC and if are you aware you need to make an Entry in Declarants Records?


Are you ready to make supplementary declarations 175 days from point of import?


Are you aware of the need for an EIDR authorisation or an agent who will allow you to use theirs?  


Are you starting to get ready to submit full Declarations either yourself or by using an agent from July?  


Are you talking to your hauliers to ensure they have an agreement in place to ensure the correct paperwork/ information accompanies your goods?


Do you understand where there are benefits and procedures of moving goods under transit, from the start to the end of the transit movement and what you must do to become an authorised consignee?


Do you have processes in place to pay / account for import duties?


Have you been engaging with your supply chain? And if so are they experiencing any problems?  


Are there any barriers you have identified to your readiness for July?




Have you been able to make Export Declarations (yourself or using an agent) since January?


Are you talking to your hauliers to ensure the correct paperwork/ information accompanies your goods?


Do you  understand where there are benefits and procedures of moving goods under transit, from the start to the end of the transit movement and what you must do to become an authorised consignee?


Are you seeing any disruption to your chain? If so, how are you going about resolving these?


Are there any barriers you have identified to your readiness for July?


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